Seating & Positioning

Amara™ component based therapeutic wheelchair cushions provides the pressure redistribution qualities, flexibility, positioning, and support that the most discriminating rehabilitation specialist requires.
bariatric coccyx cushion

The Blue Chip foam bariatric coccyx wheelchair cushion features a cutout that redistributes pressure at the sacral area while offering patient comfort and even distribution of weight.
EZ Turn

Turning is essential for patient care, pressure redistribution and to help reduce pressure injury.
Gel Pro Elite™ Bariatric

The benefits of gel and foam are well documented. A high-density foam shell surrounds a uniquely styled gel bladder to form a comfortable gel wheelchair cushion that is unsurpassed in pressure redistribution.
Gel Pro Plus Bariatric Positioning Cushion

The Gel Pro™ Position Plus™ Bariatric Gel & Foam Wheelchair Position Cushion provides the most advanced pressure redistribution, therapeutic support, and positioning available.
Geri Gel Recliner Overlay

Patient comfort and pressure redistribution is achieved for individuals who sit for extended periods of time during the day.
GRZ Self Adjusting Bariatric Wheelchair Cushion

The GRZ™ is a dynamic self-adjusting air bariatric bladder system consisting of 3 individual air cell chambers that redistribute pressure and adjust to body weight and position.
Bariatric Wheelchair Seat Cushion

Bariatric wheelchair cushion offers maximum protection against the incidence of pressure sores for patient weights up to 1,000 lbs.